400 China Basin Blog
Regular Home Maintenance Tips for Longevity
Honoring routine homeowner maintenance saves you money, ensuring you get the most from warranty & homeowners' insurance policies. Learn what to prioritize.
Strategies to Effectively Save for Your Home Down Payment
Meeting standard home down payment criteria minimizes monthly mortgage payments and lowers interest rates. Here are ideas on how to save more to put down.
Budget Management for New Homeowners
Are you getting ready to purchase a new home? Congratulations! Becoming a homeowner is one of the most exciting - and empowering - feelings. You're achieving the American dream. And, in the San Francisco Bay Area, mortgage payments are commonly less than market rents, which means extra money in the bank each month. You may also find you save money each year at tax time because you get to deduct your mortgage interest and property taxes - the total of which is always more significant than any renters credit.
Understanding Debt-to-Income Ratio for BMR Home Loan
Lenders look at a variety of factors when deciding whether to grant borrower approval and at what interest rate. In addition to your credit score, employment status/history, and income, mortgage companies prioritize prospective clients with a low debt-to-income (DTI).